Social Tennis

Friday Social Tennis

Venue: Cherry Street Park Tennis Courts
Day / Time: Every Friday 7-11pm (subject to court availability)
Skills Requirement: Minimum NTRP3.0 (definitions)
Full Session Fees: 4 sessions: $400*
5 sessions: $500*
Half Session Fees:
(Joining after 9 pm)
4 sessions: $280
5 sessions: $350
Tennis Balls HEAD ATP or equivalent



Once all spots are reserved, additional players will on waiting list.  Late withdrawal, within 24 hours before the session will be charged because of late notice, it’s difficult to find a replacement.

 Things you need to know:

  • Must enroll online with confirmation before your spot is reserved
  • First-come-first-serve, your enrollment may be rejected if the quota is full
  • Members must wear proper tennis shoes and appropriate sports outfits
  • Bring your own racket
  • Google “tennis etiquette” and know them all
  • New balls will be provided every session
  • HK-TENNIS.ORG will not be liable for any injuries you sustained during participation
  • When more than 4 players are present, rotate every 5 minutes for on-court warm-ups, in an anti-clockwise rotation. So that everybody can take turn playing
  • Notifications will be sent via Whatsapp (as broadcasting).  In order to receive “broadcasting” messages, you must add phone number (852) 9203 6617 to your contact


  • Unfriendly players NOT welcome. No long face, be cheerful and enjoy
  • No foul and abusive language towards each other. Respect each other and do not shout at people
  • Do not practice your serve when someone is not ready to receive on the other side
  • No coaching or mentoring, unless someone asks you.  We only want players, NOT “professional” coaches
  • (Revisit again for additional rules)

Not observing above rules will be asked to leave WITHOUT REFUNDS!

Cancellation Policy:

  • In the case of rain, cancellation notice will be sent out via Whatsapp within one hour before the scheduled session.  Please check Whatsapp
  • Anyone withdraws on Tuesday or after will be charged $70, if the total number of participants is less than 8 for 2 courts, or less than 12 for 3 courts.
  • Players withdrew before the deadline will not be charged